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DAAC Hermes S.A. received the Certificate of Credibility as the most honest taxpayer

2024-07-02T12:04:22+00:00 2 Jul, 2024|Categories: News, Press, События и мероприятия|

DAAC Hermes S.A. has obtained the Certificate of Credibility for the most honest taxpayer at the Honest Taxpayer Gala 2024, organized by the State Fiscal Service of the Republic of Moldova. The certificate was presented to the First Vice President of DAAC Hermes S.A., Igor Șcerbinschi, by the Minister of Finance, Petru Rotaru, the Director

DAAC Hermes signed a distribution agreement with Farizon Auto

2024-06-28T16:53:56+00:00 28 Jun, 2024|Categories: News, События и мероприятия|

Chisinau, June 28, 2024-the first truly global player in the field of environmental commercial transport Farizon Auto-Geely New Energy Commercial Vehicle Group will appear in Moldova. Farizon Auto, a part of Geely Group, is a leader in the field of environmentally friendly commercial cars operating on new energy. The appearance of Farizon Auto in Moldova